The Band Boosters are a dedicated group of parents who volunteer their time and talent to ensure the success of the Panther Regiment. We work closely with the Directors to help with the many details that must be taken care of for the band to succeed. There are many different areas in which parents can help, and no experience is necessary!
All parents with children in any of the BHSS bands are automatically members–Concert Band, Panther Regiment Marching Band, Jazz Band, Summer Parade Band and Solo/Ensemble Competition. Other individuals, such as alumni, grandparents, and community members are certainly welcome. There are no dues.
Come join this fantastic group of parents and share in your student’s high school band experience.
Band Booster President
Brandy Rayles - president@bhssbands.com
Brian Rayles - treasurer@bhssbands.com
Assistant Treasurer
Christy Smith
VP of Development
Stephen Fortune - development@bhssbands.com
VP of Marketing & Communications
Lynsey Randall - marketing@bhssbands.com
VP of Operations
Philip Knieriemen - operations@bhssbands.com
VP of Programs & Events
Courtney Benak - events@bhssbands.com